IDX Composite Constituent Weight Changes: BBCA, AADI, PTRO, and Others

Following an evaluation by bourse authorities, 20 out of 911 listed stocks will have increased weight on the composite index.

Duwi Setiya Ariyanti,Mochammad Ryan Hidayatullah
Rabu, 26 Maret 2025 | 08:20, JAKARTA — The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) announced on Monday (24/3/2025) that out of a total of 911 stocks, 20 saw an increase in weighting following a periodic review by bourse authorities, with BBCA, AADI, and PTRO numbering among them. The review’s ruling is set to take effect on April 8 until June 30. 

Among these 20 stocks, PT Bank Central Asia (BBCA) leads with a higher weighting of 9%, up from 8.3%, an increase of 0.42 basis points.

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