LQ45 Tumbles Amid Market Slump and Economic Uncertainties

The LQ45 is weighed down by several correcting big-cap stocks. Stocks in the IDX Small Medium Cap (SMC) Liquid index also tumbled.

Bisnis.com JAKARTA — LQ45, the bourse’s index of the 45 most liquid stocks and big cap stocks, is down 12.06% year-to-date (YtD) amid the weakening of the composite index and the overall market, after last closing down 1.53% on Friday (14/3) at 726.97. Concurrently, the IDX Composite (IHSG) has so far weakened 7.97% YtD with its Friday closing figure.

The LQ45 is weighed down by several correcting big-cap stocks, including Bank Central Asia (BBCA) with 9.56% YtD correction, Bank Mandiri (BMRI) with 16.84% YtD slip, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) with 8.09% YtD drop, Amman Mineral Indonesia (AMMN) with 24.15% YtD decline, and Telkom Indonesia (TLKM) posting 10.7% YtD correction.

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