Textile Downturn: Customs Negligence or Sunset Industry?

Indonesia’s textile and garment industry is facing both a structural problem and a natural consequence from its economic life cycle.
Denis Riantiza Meilanova,Ni Luh Anggela
Senin, 10 Maret 2025 | 18:09

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA — In response to the ongoing wave of factory closures and layoffs, the textile industry accuses the government of negligence in the handling of cheap imports circulating in the market and demands the state to tighten import restrictions.

According to Indonesian Filament Yarn Producers Association (APSyFI) chairman Redma Gita Wirawasta, at least 60 textile companies or factories have closed in the past two years, including textile giant Sritex. He argued that the government has deliberately allowed the textile industry to be hit by the surge of imports.

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